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Advice on illness

Use this when deciding whether your child needs to stay at home. Work on the basis that sick children belong at home and well children belong in class! Please remember that early morning aches often pass, so don’t keep your child at home “just in case” when they could be learning in class. For further advice, you could talk to a member of the school staff, your GP surgery or NHS 111. Please make sure you talk to the school if your child has any conditions requiring hospital or surgical care, or is in a cast or has stiches.

Please ensure a medical note is provided for PE lessons when it is not appropriate for your child to participate.

Below are some typical examples of illnesses and the advice that the NHS offers for each.

High temperature

If your child looks or feels shivery or is unusually cold or hot, he or she may have a high temperature. There may be various reasons for this. A child with a high temperature should not be in school. However after feeling and looking better for 24 hours, a child should be able to return to school.

Cold and cough

A slight cold and a cough does not disable a child from attending school. However children with heavy colds or persistent coughs should stay at home. A child whose cough is disappearing and who is feeling better should return to school.


A rash could be the first sign of one of childhood’s many illnesses, such as chicken pox or measles. The rash or spots may cover the entire body or appear in only one area.  Do not send a child to school with an unexplained rash or skin eruption until you have contacted NHS 111 or your GP surgery for advice.

Minor aches and pains

A child with persistent toothache should see a dentist without delay and one with earache should see a doctor without delay.  A child whose only complaint is a minor headache does not usually need to be kept at home.

Vomiting and diarrhoea

If vomiting occurs, your child should stay at home until he or she can keep food down. A child with diarrhoea should also be kept at home.  If your child does not improve as you expect, contact NHS 111 or your GP surgery for advice.

 COVID symptoms

The guidance is that you or your child should no longer test. If your child is unwell or has a high temperature then they should stay off school and return when they are well enough to do so.