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Music Technology

In Music Technology we aim to nurture and inspire enquiring and creative minds. In the KS5 curriculum, alongside the A Level specification requirements, we teach how Music Production works in a modern studio setting as well as the ability to analyse and evaluate existing productions from previous recording eras. Students develop a range of recording, mixing and composition skills using contemporary music technology. We place no restrictions on who can access the A Level course.

Audio engineering beyond the classroom is one way in which students can become part of our school community. Live sound engineering in public performances provides invaluable experience in real-world situations, adding to curriculum knowledge and inspiring post-18 paths. Alongside A Level musicians, Music Technology students become part of a thriving, open and encouraging Music family and form mature working relationships and lifelong friendships.

We take university and career aspirations seriously, making sure that every student is aware of the ever-increasing number of Music Technology roles and pathways in the UK Music, Theatre, Film & TV industries.