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PSHE (personal, social, health and economic education)

One of the main ways that we prepare young people for the next step in their education and their later employment is through a comprehensive and thoroughly planned PSHE education programme.

PSHE (personal, social, health and economic education) is an important and necessary part of all students’ education. The Department for Education states that all schools should teach PSHE, and it is delivered as part of our core curriculum, with all students receiving one lesson a week from Y7-Y13. You can access our vision statement for PSHE here

We use our PSHE education programme to equip students with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. You can access information about the curriculum we deliver to each year group here and will see that we include and build upon the statutory guidance in order to reflect both the universal needs of young people, and the unique needs identified in our school community.

We believe it is important that lessons are delivered by form tutors who have well-developed and secure relationships with the students.

By working closely with our SEND department we ensure that as part of the planning and delivery of all lessons, adaptations are made for students with additional needs so that all students can access the sessions.