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Physical health

At Huntington School we recognise the importance of daily physical activity, weekly physical education and regular opportunities for all children to enjoy sport. Exercise has a positive impact on young people’s physical and mental wellbeing, education and development. As well as this, it brings fun, enjoyment and opportunities for social interactions. 

We also recognise the importance of supporting our students to make healthy food choices and the impact that diet and nutrition can have on our physical health. 

Through the PE and Food Technology curricula and PSHE education we teach young people about healthy lifestyles and educate them on how to stay healthy in the modern world. 

All students attend Food Technology throughout KS3. Students will develop the life skills and knowledge associated with healthy living, food nutrition and cooking with a focus on sustainability with the materials and techniques they use. Cultural awareness is embedded throughout the curriculum. Students develop a competence in a range of technical skills allowing them to make healthy, balanced and nutritious dishes. The aim of the curriculum is for students to develop a love and appreciation of food and cooking. Students are taught: 

  • To understand the basic principles of nutrition and health with a focus on the Eatwell Guide and guidelines for a healthy diet. 

  • To understand how to apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating and enjoyment of cooking.  

  • To apply the Eatwell Guide when planning meals and choosing what to eat. 

  • To understand how to adapt meals to meet dietary guidelines. 

  • To understand of the function and source of nutrients including: protein/fat/carbohydrates, vitamins A, B, C, D, calcium, iron, fibre and water. 

  • To understand the health conditions associated with an unhealthy diet e.g., diabetes type 2, coronary heart disease, obesity etc. 

  • To have an appreciation of where food comes from, and the issues associated with food provenance and the environmental impact. 

Many students choose to continue to Food at KS4 and KS5.  We offer several qualifications including:  GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition, BTEC Home Cooking and Level 3 Food Science and Nutrition 

Our PE curriculum introduces students to a wide variety of ways to enjoy active lifestyles. The curriculum has been designed at KS3 to focus on health and the importance of physical activity. Students get 2 hours of lessons based around developing a knowledge of healthy lifestyles and the benefits of exercise for physical, mental and social health. At KS4 this knowledge is reflected in lessons as well and the aim is on enjoyment of exercise and the benefits for mental health as a relief from the pressures of exam preparation. 

In order to ensure we are developing our provision to meet the needs and interests of our students we conduct extensive student voice. This includes undertaking the ‘Youth Sport Trust KS3 Survey’ and the ‘Active Lives Children and Young People Survey’. These allow us to understand our students’ attitudes and behaviours around sport and activity. 

We are keen to promote competitive sport at Huntington School and provide more young people with the opportunity to compete and achieve their personal best. Sports teams run in every year group in a wide variety of sports including football, rugby, netball, basketball, hockey, athletics, cricket and cross-country. We are working towards the ‘School Games Mark’ which is a Government-led award scheme that rewards schools for their commitment to the development of competition across the school and local community. 

Our extra-curricular programme features a range of activities that promote physical health. These include a broad range of sporting activities, some of which are competitive, and others that are for leisure or students who are new to the sport and would like to learn a new skill. We also offer a ‘Get Cooking Club’, which teaches students how to cool healthy, nutritious meals. 

We are currently working towards the ‘York Healthy Schools Programme’ which is being funded by the City of York Public Health and assesses four themes: PSHE, Food in Schools, Physical Activity and Emotional Health and Wellbeing.