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Curriculum Intent – Science

The science department at Huntington School will have a curriculum which creates learners who will thrive in a changing world by giving them the knowledge to:

  • Confidently and accurately work scientifically and solve scientific problems;
  • Think creatively to overcome and tackle problems with resilience and an open mind-set;
  • Appreciate and enjoy the uniqueness of science as a discipline;
  • Seek further knowledge and skills independently, based upon a fascination of learning;
  • Achieve great exam results that allow our students to progress to the next steps in their lives as scientifically informed citizens.

We will develop this in our students by:

  • Using purposeful practical activities with an emphasis on understanding scientific ideas rather than participation.
  • Highlighting the relevancy of science to the modern world.
  • Assessing pupils starting points and their progress by using effective questioning.
  • Creating a true multi- disciplinary approach to science where scientific skills are deployed confidently across all three sciences.
  • Using guided practice and modelling to scaffold student’s problem solving abilities.
  • Being reflective practitioners who constantly evaluate and improve our practice.