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KS5 - Personal Development Programme

Huntington School is unique in the York area for many things not least the Personal Development Program (P.D.P.). To help support our student’s progression on to university, careers and apprenticeships we use Wednesday afternoons throughout years 12 and 13 to enrich our students lives and help support them in becoming well rounded individuals. With the extra experiences P.D.P. provides our students stand out from the crowd in their further applications. Students are also able to meet the DFE’s work experience and further provision requirements. Every single one of our students will complete work experience in their time at Huntington school and this could be in the form of any of the following: 

  • Youth and social action 

  • Work tasters 

  • Volunteering 

  • Student enterprise 

  • Work placements 

In addition to this they have the opportunity to participate in non-qualification activities too. 

All sixth form students attend a P.D.P. introduction assembly and fair where they are introduced to the options. They will then be required to pick a work experience and another option in year 12 and then one other in year 13 (after February half term year 13s are given P.D.P. time for supervised silent revision). The diversity of options is brilliant and delivered by experienced, enthusiastic staff who all believe greatly in the value of our Personal Development Program. Students benefit hugely from stepping away from their normal subjects, forming new friendships not to mention expanding their skills and knowledge. All students can actually achieve an accredited student leadership qualification through P.D.P. This can be of a Bronze, Silver or Gold level and really is a significant award that can be added to all types of future applications be it University, the world of work or Apprenticeships.  

Many of the options involved working with the wider community, achieving additional qualifications, charity work,  

The options currently available are as follows… 

  • Work Placement
  • Link Group 
  • Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award
  • Business and Enterprise
  • Amnesty 
  • Learning Support
  • Sports Leadership
  • Debating
  • Unisex sports
  • Drama (Panto)
  • Music (Panto)
  • Sustainability
  • Creative Arts

Mrs S Sellars 

PDP Co-ordinator