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At Key Stage 3, students study the full range of the maths curriculum strands; number, geometry, ratio & proportion, algebra and statistics in line with the national curriculum, and they have opportunities to solve problems and explain their reasoning. “Do now” resources are used for retrieval practice at the start of every lesson. By the end of Year 9, through our cyclic curriculum, we intend to equip students with the mathematical knowledge required as a solid foundation for GCSE. They also have the chance to develop skills to decode questions, model situations with diagrams and explain their rationale. Independent working time is built in to lessons to improve the mathematical fluency of our students.


At Key Stage 4, students continue to study the full range of the maths curriculum strands in line with Edexcel GCSE specification; number, geometry, ratio & proportion, algebra and statistics. Following on from KS3, they continue to have opportunities to solve problems and explain their reasoning, with an increase in GCSE-style exam questions. Students will study either Higher or Foundation tier schemes of learning with some classes using a hybrid model. They also have the chance to develop skills to decode questions, model situations with diagrams and explain their rationale. Independent working time is built in to lessons to improve the mathematical fluency of our students.


A level mathematics builds from GCSE level mathematics and introduces calculus and its applications. It emphasises how mathematical ideas are interconnected and how mathematics can be applied to model situations mathematically using algebra and other representations, to help make sense of data, to understand the physical world and to solve problems in a variety of contexts. Students will regularly complete practice exam questions and use technology such as advanced calculators.


From September 2024 we will be using the Sparx mathematics curriculum. These links take you to their curriculum statement and overview.