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Finance and Funding

Financial Reporting

Huntington School’s Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) for 2023-24 can be found here.

All financial reports for the last 5 years can be found on the Department for Education website via the following link:

Huntington School – Schools Financial Benchmarking – GOV.UK (

Huntington school’s financial performance can also be benchmarked against other schools across England on the same website.

If you require any further information please contact

Information on Higher Paid Staff

Huntington School employs one employee with a gross salary of £100,000 or over.

Huntington School Opportunities Trust


Have you got an idea that needs money to make it happen? If you are a student or a member of staff at Huntington School we can provide funding to help you.
These are just some of the things we have already supported:

  • Duke of Edinburgh equipment
  • Picnic Benches
  • Photography Equipment
  • School Website
  • Sports Equipment
  • Music Equipment
  • Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch

We would also be interested in supporting enhancements in school like workshops, new clubs, pieces of subject equipment etc. You have the idea and we will consider it. We exist to fund things that cannot be paid for out of normal school funding.

In order to make an application please contact:

16-19 Bursary Fund for Sixth Form Students

The 16-19 Bursary Fund exists to help students continue with and complete their course where they would otherwise be prohibited from doing so on financial grounds. This funding replaced both the Education Maintenance Allowance and the Discretionary Learner Support Funding for September 2011 onward.

The Bursary is intended to help with the hardship needs of individual students. Its intent is to “enable” a learner to continue with his or her education and should not be viewed as an incentive to attract young people into learning. Generally, awards from the Bursary will be used towards essential course related costs such as books, equipment, travel, field trips, visits and other costs associated with living and learning.

16 to 19 Bursary Fund: Overview - GOV.UK (

16-19 Bursary Financial Assessment Form

For further information please contact:

Mr M Johnson, Director of Sixth Form ( or

Jonathan Meehan, Finance Director (,
Tel: 01904 752108

Recycled Uniform

Below is a list of the type of items we hold in Recycled Uniform & the prices we charge. All items have been washed and ironed and are bagged. We hope that you will be pleased with your purchase, but if any of the items you buy are the wrong size let us know and we will be happy to try to replace the item if we can or return your money.

You can contact us by emailing

Huntington School Recycled Uniform
Blue and Black Jumpers £3
Ties 50p
PE Kit – Polo shirts £2
Games shirts £3
shorts & tracksuit bottoms – with logo £2
Fleeces £3
shorts/skorts & tracksuit bottoms £2

Useful links:

Free School Meals

Help with School Clothing costs

Opportunities Trust Application Form